Hi, my name is Razvan
I'm the Amazing Developer :)

About Me

profile picture

I am a Senior Software Developer with over 6 years of experience in developing web applications. I have a strong work ethic and a passion for acquiring new skills. I work with a variety of technologies, including React, Redux, Next JS, Typescript, Laravel, PHP, and many others.

I excel in collaborative environments and am known for being approachable and personable, making it easy to work effectively with colleagues and clients alike

In 2018 I started preparing for a career shift after I decide that I should follow my dream of becoming an software developer. At the beginning of 2019 my dream came true and so far I'm very happy with what I've managed to achieve.


See below some of my personal projects, most of them are offline, but you can check the code on GitHub.

Personal Projects

Twitter Clone

Full stack app that looks and feels like Twitter. A user can login with Google, or with GitHub, and can add a Tweet, a like, or a comment to some existing tweet.

It's made using Next JS and Typescript, Tailwind for styles, Redux Toolkit for state management and data fetching, Next Auth for authentication, Firestore for storing the pictures, and PostgreSql hosted on Supabase for database.

See LiveSource Code
Twitter Clone

Spotify Clone - only for authorized users

App that is using Spotify API to display playlists and to show current playing songs. The user can play a new song from some playlist, can skip to the next, or the previous song, and can adjust the volume.

It's made using Next JS and Typescript, Tailwind for styles, Recoil for state management, Next Auth for authentication, and Spotify API for data.

See LiveSource Code
Spotify Clone - only for authorized users

Red List of Threatened Species

React app that is using data provided by The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species to display the species that are threatened.

It's made using React with Typescript, Material Ui for some components, Axios for getting the data, Redux for state management, and React Window for rendering large lists.

See LiveSource Code
Red List of Threatened Species

Amazing Real Estates

App that is parsing the web pages from https://realt.by/rent/flat-for-day and saves the new posts in database using PHP and Laravel and displays them using React.

The app is running in a Docker cluster on Digital Ocean. Twice a day a job is looking for new posts and when a new post is found, the registered users will receive a e-mail with the new post details. The backend is made with Laravel and the frontend is made with React, Redux, Material-Ui and Typescript.

See LiveSource Code
Amazing Real Estates

Work From Home Bingo game

Next JS + React + Typescript

A fun bingo game to play while you work from home.

See LiveSource Code
Work From Home Bingo game

Quizz App

React + Typescript

Just a small trivia app where I tried a new UI library called Chakra UI

See LiveSource Code
Quizz App

Spinning Donut

ThreeJS + React

Space, Jupiter and a Giant Donut around Jupiter, just a small experiment with Three Js

See Live
Spinning Donut

RR Clothing

An simple E-Commerce app which uses latest technologies. Was build with Symfony 5 and latest version of React. The React code is running from inside of a Twig template.

I've used React Saga for state management, JWT token to get access to backend api, I've integrated Google Login and I've created the cart checkout logic using Stripe. The app is running on Heroku.

See LiveSource Code
RR Clothing

Burger App

Order a delicious burger

Simple app created with React and Firebase where user can customize and order burgers.

See LiveSource Code
Burger App

Guess a Number

My first React Native app

Just for my curiosity to see how is to create mobile apps using React Native. User will have to choose an number from 1 to 99 and the app will try to guess the correct number using as less as possible tries.

Source Code
Guess a Number

Shop App

React Native E-commerce

A more advanced React Native app with authentication, Redux, FireBase. Written with Typescript

Source Code
Shop App

RRazvan | Developer

This blog from where you are reading this text. :)

It's created using Gatsby.JS, React.JS and Styled Components. It's using GraphQL to fetch all the info that you are seeing on this page, I've tried to implement the best practices regarding SEO. The app is running on Netlify instance, it supports PWA and it's serving as my portfolio. There is a blog section where I added a couple of articles, the articles are generated from MDX files. In the future I'm planning to add more content to the blog

Blog Posts
RRazvan | Developer


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